




1、Myra Lester: Every parting from you is like a little eternity.

2、The ballet was beautiful.


4、Ilsa: I can't fight it anymore. I ran away from you once. I can't do it again. Oh, I don't know what's right any longer. You have to think for both of us. For all of us.

5、Captain Renault: Oh no! Not here please! Come to my office tomorrow morning. We'll do everything businesslike.


7、Heinz: Can you imagine us in London?

8、ilsa, i' m no good at being noble. but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. someday you'll understand that.

9、Roy Cronin: Myra, what do you think we're going to do tonight?

10、Captain Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much.


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