

时间:2024-06-20 萧辛未 来源:句子网红




1、Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? Somewhere beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see? Do you hear the people sing? Say, do you hear the distant drums? It is the future that they bring when tomorrow comes! Tomorrow comes!

2、Private Reiben: Hey, Wade, I got a mother, you got a mother, the sarge has got a mother. I'm willing to bet that even the Captain's got a mother. Well, maybe not the Captain, but the rest of us have got mothers.


4、许多往事在眼前一幕一幕,变的那麼模糊, 曾经那麼坚信的,那麼执着的,一直相信著的, 其实什麼都没有,什麼都不是... 突然发现自己很傻,傻的不行。我发誓,我笑了,笑的眼泪都掉了。笑我们这麼傻, 我们总在重复著一些伤害,没有一个可以躲藏不被痛找到。却还一直傻傻的期待,到失望, 再期待,再失望...


6、One more day before the storm! Do I follow where she goes? At the barricades of freedom! Shall I join my brothers there? When our ranks begin to form, do I stay, and do I dare? Will you take your place with me? The time is now! The day is here!

7、And I know it’s only in my mind. That I’m talking to myself and not to him, and although I know that he is blind. Still I say there’s a way for us. I love him. But when the night is over, he is gone, the river’s just a river. Without him, the world around me changes. The trees are bare and everywhere, the streets are all full of strangers.



10、Colter Stevens:I'd kiss you again.


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