





2、Take my hand, I lead you to salvation. Take my love, for love is everlasting. And remember the truth that once was spoken, to love another person is to see the face of God. Do you hear the people sing lost in the valley of the night? It’s the music of a people who are climbing to the light. For the wretched of the earth, there is a flame that never dies. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. We will live again in freedom in the garden of the Lord.



5、One day more! Watch’em run amuck. Catch’em as they fall. Never know your luck when there’s a free-for-all. Here a little dip. There a little touch. Most of them are goners so they won’t miss much!

6、3 如果你能看到我的世界里那些渐渐消逝的美好,你就能体会到现在所拥有的幸福。

7、Lord, let me find him, that I may see him safe behind bars! I will never rest till then! This I swear! This I swear by the stars!


9、On my own, pretending he’s beside me. All alone, I walk with him till morning. Without him, I feel his arms around me. And when I lose my way, I close my eyes and he has found me. In the rain, the pavement shines like silver. All the lights are misty in the river. In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight. And all I see is him and me forever and forever!



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