


句子星球 一句顶一万句网小编为大家整理的浣溪沙纳兰性德内容句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。


1、Guy: The Mountain. High ground. End of the world, remember?盖:那座山,高地,末日,记得吗? Eep: That already happened. It destroyed our cave.小伊:这一切已经发生了,它毁了我们的洞。 Guy: No. That was just the beginning of the end. The end of the end is still coming.盖:不,这只是末日的开始,最后的末日还没完全来呢!


3、Eep: That wasn‟t living, that was just...not dying. There‟s a difference.小伊:那也能叫活着吗?只不过是没有死掉,活着不是这样的。

4、Guy: Okay,now you can look.盖:行了,你可以看了。(小伊看到脚下的鞋子,尖叫起来) Eep:Huh! I love them! But where are my feet?小伊:啊!!!我好喜欢!!那我的脚呢? Guy: They‟re still there.盖(慌忙说):脚还在。


6、To create a puzzle you could never solve.

7、经过短暂而突发的生病 - 你记得你离开的那天?


9、Grug: No more dark. No more hiding. No more caves. What‟s the point of all this? To follow the light! I can‟t change, I don‟t have ideas, but I have my strength. And right now that‟s all you need.瓜哥:不要黑暗,不要躲藏,不要山洞。我们来这儿是为了什么?为了追随光明!我改变不 了自己,我想不出点子,不过我有力气,而现在你们就需要这个。

10、Who we are and what we are doing, we live, what is the point of all this need to tell us our memory. In our world, is not the memory will disappear, we are live for memory?


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