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摊破浣溪沙 注音

时间:2024-05-15 唐安青 来源:句子控

《摊破浣溪沙 注音》

句子控网小编为大家整理的摊破浣溪沙 注音句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

摊破浣溪沙 注音



3、“勇气有很多种类,对付敌人我们需要超人的胆量,而要在朋友面前坚持自己的立场,同样也需要很大的勇气。” ——邓布利多


5、Colonel Frank Fitts: Where did you get that?

6、Lester Burnham: And your mother seems to prefer I go through life like a fucking prisoner while she keeps my dick in a mason jar under the sink.

7、Lester Burnham: On what grounds? I'm not a drunk, I don't fuck other women, I've never hit you, I don't mistreat you... I don't even try to touch you since you've made it so abundantly clear how unnecessary you consider me to be! But I did support you when you got your license, and some people might think that entitles me to half of what's yours. So, turn off the light when you come to bed!


9、Lester Burnham: Lose it? I didn't lose it. It's not like, "Whoops! Where'd my job go?" I QUIT.



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