






3、If time can return, I will be very happy. Because I can't make mistakes, in fact, I knew it was a mistake at the beginning, but I want to experience the feeling of regret.

4、Regret is a kind of emotional regret that consumes spirit. Regret is a bigger loss than loss and a bigger mistake than mistake, so don't regret.

5、Don't change your love because of other people's eyes. Don't live in other people's eyes and lose yourself! Love can't be greedy or dream. Therefore, we should be attentive to wait for their own, not earth shaking love. No love is perfect, no love is flawless; love and love can only be true. Maybe you are not the best, but I only love you

6、If you regret what you can do because you are weak, you will be even weaker.

7、I regret it now. Really, have my family and friends asked me about it all the time? I always quibbled that I don't regret it. When I really encountered problems, I found out what a wrong decision I made. I can't come back again. I can't go back in the past.





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