




1、These are sordid lies.abcI don't even like her.


3、How come you're so fat?Because my house is made of candy!And sometimes,I eat instead of facing my problems!

4、Kyle,Kyle,Kyle,stop!stop doing your business on the Petunias!There you go,go to Fred's.Go crazy.


6、And that's where you come in. As an ex-villain,abcyou know how a villain thinks, and acts.

7、Oh,and just between you and me,You look much better bald.

8、If you take it personal, that's okay.

9、I know I*m asking a lot, but... the price of freedom is high,always has been. And it is a price I*m willing to pay.And if I*m the only one,so be it. But I*m willing to betI*m not.

10、Don't worry.It can only get better from here,right?But if it doesn't,you always borrow my dart gun.I do use it on,one or two dates myself.Yeah,you know as far as dates go,I think I'm good with just,the one.


后是什么结构的字 09-26

9月7日是什么日子 09-26

来来去去什么意思 09-26

什么一棵大树 09-26

爸爸的爱好是什么 09-26

列提纲是什么意思 09-26

应的反义词是什么 09-26

什么叫机械能 09-26

粤念什么字 09-26

浮现的意思是什么 09-26