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晨 诗词

时间:2024-06-06 零木 来源:句子

《晨 诗词》

句子网小编为大家整理的晨 诗词句子如下,如果喜欢请多多宣传哦。

晨 诗词

1、Dr. Wilson: And as long as you’re not trying, you can say whatever you want.


3、Le and: sure! 勒克和:确定!


5、House: Well, we all have our limitations.

6、House: People don’t want a sick doctor.

7、House: I take risks - sometimes patients die. But not taking risks causes more patients to die. So I guess my biggest problem is I’ve been cursed with the ability to do the math.


9、House: As long as you’re trying to be good, you can do whatever you want.

10、House: You put the Queen on your money. You’re British.


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